

The data explosion is upon us. Driven by our seemingly unending digital paradigm where personalization, automation and artificial intelligence set the stage, the amount of data created, collected, stored, accessed, secured and backed-up is nuts. As such, every organization needs a strategy, process and people to wrangle and properly manage this critical asset. This is where we shine.

But, we add three more elements that separate us from the pack…


We are experts in discovering where your data is created, where it lives and how it is used. Due to extreme data growth, this is not a simple effort. In fact, just about every organization has some level of shock and awe as we visualize and secure their sprawled data.

It’s an Asset!

Organizational evolution has made most organizations data companies. Many have not come to that perplexing conclusion yet, but the trajectory is clear. Your data tells the stories of your business, about your products and services, customer service, financial health, partnerships and team members. Getting the most out of your data and protecting it must be elevated to a critical organizational priority.

Kind of like Rumpelstiltskin

Your data should work for you. It should make your business more efficient, more responsive and ultimately more successful. Through the right strategies, tactics and tools we help you turn your data into gold.

We can help you with…


Aligned is attuned to the latest in technology advancements, innovations and industry trends. Our assessments are focused on delivering significant value to enable and empower business success.

Data Roadmap

Data Compliance Review

Data Storage Assessment

Data Privacy Assessment

Data Access & Utilization Assessment

Data Privacy Health Check

Data Security Assessment


We pride ourselves on the care, attention, and expertise we bring to our service delivery.

Tools Discovery

Data Storage

Artificial Intelligence

Data Privacy & Security Services

Data Backup & Recovery

Data Analytics

Business Intelligence

Data Standardization

“Turn data into results through a combination of expert people, proven process and purpose built technology solutions.”

We can help you with…

Cost Optimization

Issue: Small AWS deployment with little management oversight and a lack of cloud skills internal to the organization moving from traditional infrastructure to SaaS and cloud based solutions.


What we did

  1. AWS Audit
  2. Cost Optimization Review
  3. Ongoing Monitoring



  • Eliminated unused storage volumes and the old application server no longer in use, the charges for AWS resulted in a savings of 51% per month.
  • We’ll continue to monitor AWS billing and finance to ensure maintenance of savings and identify other future changes.

Cost Optimization

Issue: Small AWS deployment with little management oversight and a lack of cloud skills internal to the organization moving from traditional infrastructure to SaaS and cloud based solutions.


What we did

  1. AWS Audit
  2. Cost Optimization Review
  3. Ongoing Monitoring



  • Eliminated unused storage volumes and the old application server no longer in use, the charges for AWS resulted in a savings of 51% per month.
  • We’ll continue to monitor AWS billing and finance to ensure maintenance of savings and identify other future changes.